Wednesday 26 January 2011

Welcome, welcome, one and all!

So. Here I am. Blogging. Been putting it off for a number of years now, but t'would seem I just can't avoid it anymore. The world and their guinea pig are doing it. Time to enter the fray.

What to blog about? My life, or my work? There's some conflict of interest between the two, I must confess. See, in my work, I am the proud author of seven (soon to be eight) non-fiction books. They cover different subjects, but the basic theme is kids: bearing 'em, having 'em, and raising 'em.

Then there's my life. The basic theme of that is kids, too. But here's the thing. In spite of the wealth of child-rearing theory I've absorbed in the last few years, I remain constantly, utterly nonplussed by the reality. Every day of my life, I stand sweating and clueless at the coalface of parenting, trying desperately to keep control of my life without losing my mind. My daughters - I'm going to call them Miss P the elder and Miss P the younger, partly to preserve their privacy and partly to avoid them bringing a lawsuit against me - are wonderful little human beings, don't get me wrong. But sweet baby jesus, they like to throw down a challenge.

To that end, then, I hereby launch my blog, which will be about both: work, and life. May God bless her and all who sail in her.


Anonymous said...

Bravo! I have two Miss Ps as well. If you ever want a diatribe about what it's like to wait for an hour in a queue outside Hollister for an overpriced T shirt with both of them then I am your woman.
Look forward to more,
Lucy (Thorpe)

Anonymous said...

What a nice introduction! I don't have kids myself but can see myself stopping by here in the future ...

Joanne said...

Hi Hollie,
Found this through the link from mediawomenuk. Nice intro to your blog. I have the same quandry so tend to write assorted posts about either something that's inspired me at work or, usually, thrown me at home.
Find me!

Unknown said...

Hello from another newbie blogger - found you via twitter! Look forward to learning some tips and having a good ol' whinge ;-)